2023 Parish Survey


Complete the Survey Using the Link Below!

The survey will be available between Monday, May 15 and Friday, May 26. Please use the link to submit a survey virtually! Paper copies will be available after all Masses during this time period or by CLICKING HERE for a downloadable PDF.

Online Parish Survey

Letter from Carol Bishop, Parish Director

Dear Friends,

Your feedback as parishioners is critical to our parish leaders as they strive to develop plans to move us forward. In order to receive your feedback on key questions related to our life as a parish community, we are launching a short online survey to gather your input.

The survey will be brief, meant to be able to be completed in just a few minutes, and is completely anonymous.  It will include both multiple-choice questions and some open-ended questions where you can share your own thoughts.

If you are able, we ask that you complete the survey online, however, the survey will also be made available in a paper version after each weekend Mass (May 20-21 and 27-28) for anyone who has vision challenges, isn’t comfortable with an online survey, or doesn’t have a computer.

The survey will close after Friday, May 26, so we ask that you take time to complete it as soon as possible. We don’t want you to miss this important opportunity to share your input with us.

Together, WE are the Pax Christi Catholic Community and WE need to help shape this community. Your feedback will help us do that. Any parishioner who has been confirmed may participate in the survey, so all you newly confirmed teens, let your voice be heard!

We also ask each of you to take a moment to PRAY for our parish community, that the Holy Spirit may lead us forward.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Andrea Ward at award@paxchristi.com or 952-405-7207.

Complete the Survey Using the Link Below!

The survey will be available between Monday, May 15 and Friday, May 26. Please use the link to submit a survey virtually! Paper copies will be available after all Masses during this time period or by CLICKING HERE for a downloadable PDF.

Online Parish Survey

Pax Christi Catholic Community

12100 Pioneer Trail
Eden Prairie, MN 55347


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