“...through the ministry of the Church, may God grant you pardon and peace…”This excerpt from the prayer of absolution makes it clear that the whole community has a role to play in celebrating the grace of God’s mercy and forgiveness. Preparation for Reconciliation involves the child, the parents and the community. Sessions coincide with the classroom program day/time options (except for the retreat).First Reconciliation 2nd Grade and older Accordingly, the parish provides faith formation for parents whenever a child is preparing to celebrate a sacrament. Active participation on the part of parents is a strong expectation of parish sacramental preparation programs.
Curriculum: Preparation for the sacraments is two-fold: it is contained within the Finding God curriculum and it is home based with materials from Loyola. The catechists and coordinator will cover specific elements in-person in the format of ‘large group’ sessions and the parents will support preparation with the family packets. PLEASE NOTE: Large Group Preparation experiences will take place on Sunday evenings for both First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. All participants are welcome!Communication: Flocknote will be the primary mode of communication for registered participants.Schedule for 2024-25 Preparation and Celebration:First Reconciliation will occur in the fall with the celebration of the Sacrament on Saturday, Feb 1, 2025 at 9:00am at Pax Christi.Please call the parish office, 952-941-3150, if you have any questions.
SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Both the preparation for and the celebration of the sacraments at Pax Christi belong to the whole parish community. By this it is understood that all members of the community have important contributions to make in supporting those in sacramental preparation. This approach also means that the active presence of the community is essential for sacramental celebration.
The sacraments are a gift from God to be shared for the benefit of the individual, the community and the world. All participants involved in sacramental preparation are expected to be members of the parish and registered in one of the ongoing faith formation programs..