CLICK HERE to submit a prayer request.
CLICK HERE to view prayer intentions.
Would you like to pray for others?Many members of our community pray for others upon request. You can be contacted for this confidential ministry via email or phone. Please contact Kerry Cronkhite, 952-405-7207, or, for more information of if you have questions.
The labyrinth is one of the oldest contemplative and transformational tools available for prayer, meditation, personal and spiritual growth. It welcomes all seekers and offers an authentic spiritual connection. This powerful tool, unlike a maze, is unicursal, offering only one route to the center and back out again. The path gently leads you to the center of both the labyrinth and yourself. Pax Christi has an outdoor grass and brick labyrinth which is self-directed and available year round as weather permits. Indoor labyrinth walks are available monthly from early fall through early spring. A topic is explored in group prior to the monthly indoor walks. Questions? Contact Joan Miltenberger, Director of Care and Support Ministry, 952-405-7211.
Do you know of someone grieving, or facing another kind of deep loss to due to health or broken relationships? A group of Pax Christi parishioners knit and crochet beautiful shawls you can give to those facing these kinds of serious, life-changing issues. If you would like to give a prayer shawl to someone ...CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays following morning Mass, at 9:05am, the rosary is prayed in the chapel at Pax Christi. Come and join others in this timeless prayer.
A Brief History of the Rosary
A variety of stories have been attached to the origination of the rosary.The Catholic Encyclopedia (vol. 13, p. 184–189) recounts that in the early centuries of the Church, monks would recite the Psalms as part of their rule of life. Since learning the Psalms was necessarily restricted ... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE