Worship Space Shifts
Starting November 11th
the weekend of November 11 and 12, you may observe a couple of changes to our
worship space when you come to mass on the weekend. First: the Social
Distancing Section of the sanctuary (north east pews directly behind where the
Priest sits) will be reduced in size due to reduced numbers of people making
use of this section. We will now have 7 pews set aside for social distancing,
and six rows of pews and chairs behind this section for general use. Second:
The movable partition that separates the Hall of Martyrs Space from the Worship
Space will be closed during our weekend masses. When special celebrations and
high-capacity needs are anticipated, we will increase the Social Distancing
Section and open the wall. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the
many conversations regarding welcoming all into our worship space. We will
continue to observe capacity and needs and do our best to welcome all to