Healing and Grace Through the Sacrament of Anointing
Author: Jean Thoresen August 07, 2018
There he found a man named Aeneas, who had been confined to bed for eight years, for he was paralyzed. Peter said to him, "Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and make your bed." He got up at once. –Acts 9:33-34
Parishioner Anne Kieser shares her personal story of healing and the grace she felt as she opened herself up to the Sacrament of Anointing. Anne says, “A year ago I was facing my 11th surgery (second hip) and at the same time, for some reason, I was more apprehensive than any time in the past. Having attended daily Mass, I had witnessed others being anointed. With Mary Ann Callahan’s help, I arranged with Father Marc to be anointed. After Mass he invited those in attendance to surround me and to lay their hands on me. I could feel their hands on my back and shoulders as Father prayed over me, forgave my sins, and at the same time I felt the Lord’s peace envelope me. Tears ran down my cheeks and I could feel the Lord’s loving presence. A day later I walked into the operating room knowing that all would be well for the Lord was walking in with me.”
Many scripture passages are threaded with surprising stories of healing. In chapter nine of the Acts of the Apostles, we learn of Peter’s ability to heal in the name of Jesus Christ. As a faith community today, we continue to hear stories and to witness healing all around us. Healing grace is lived out on a daily basis as we bring comfort and healing to others through words of love, a gentle touch, and faithful presence. Often we discover that we are simultaneously the one who brings healing and the one healed.
Please consider joining us on Wednesday, August 22, for The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick during the 6:00pm evening Mass. See information below for complete details.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
Wednesday, August 22, 6:00pm Mass with Dinner Following RSVP
Anointing of the sick will be available for any member of our community who is in need of an emotional or physical healing. While the physical effects of a healing are not always noticed, the primary effect of the sacrament is a spiritual healing by which the sick person receives the Holy Spirit's gift of peace and courage to deal with the difficulties that accompany illness of the mind, body, or spirit. Anointing often begins for us with the oil of chrism at Baptism, is used to reaffirm our journey of faith during Confirmation and, when we are sick, anointing with oil can bring us hope and healing. Blessings with these oils offer us both grace and a physical reminder that Jesus is with us through all passages of life. All are welcome to join us for this Mass as we gather together to be anointed, or to be in prayerful support of those who are sick and in need of healing. Following Mass, a light dinner will be served in the Dorothy Day Social Hall for those who have been anointed, along with their family members and guests. If you or someone you know could benefit from this sacrament and would like to attend this Mass, we ask that you please contact Mary Ann Callahan, Care Ministry Specialist, 952-405-7227, by August 15.