Author: Fr. Michael Byron
March 15, 2020

The whole gospel episode begins with an invitation, and continues with more invitations - and they are the most unlikely and strangest kind. Jesus and the woman meet in the most unlikely way. That Jesus should be walking through Samaria in the first place is astounding - it is home to the despised ancestral enemies of Jews like Jesus. Nobody travels there on purpose. And this woman arrives to draw water from the well at exactly the wrong time of day - high noon. Nobody does that; it’s too hot at that hour.

And this isn’t just any woman, as if that wouldn’t have been shocking enough for Jesus and his companions. No, this is a stranger, who is known only to be a Samaritan and a serial adulterer. It’s Saint John’s way of introducing this person as the lowest of the low on the Jewish social and political ladder. This encounter should never have happened.

But it does, and it begins with an invitation to serve. This nameless woman is asked to offer Jesus a drink of water. Jesus is vulnerable, alone, tired, and thirsty, and she holds in her hands the only access to the well water; her bucket. And everybody knows that Jews and Samaritans don’t share eating and drinking vessels. She immediately points out that fact to Jesus. And Jesus doesn’t care about that. “Will you serve me?” he asks, “just because we’re here together and I Need what gift you have - even if only a bucket.”

And so the long conversation begins between the two of them, and by the time it ends she is becoming convinced that she may be encountering the Messiah right here. And off she runs to issue an invitation to others: “Come follow me to meet this Man of God!” And astonishingly, some of them actually accept - they take the word of this well-known serious sinner, this woman, and agree to the invitation. And when it’s all over, the gift of faith has been offered and accepted by the Samaritans, who bring the story full circle by offering still another invitation, this time the gift of hospitality in their home, extended back to Jesus and his disciples, and they accept it - for two days.That's a long time for an unexpected group.

The sharing of Christian life together begins with a simple invitation. It was true at Jacob’s well in Samaria,and it’s still true in Minnesota in the year 2020. It begins with a call to serve, and in doing so, to encounter Jesus himself. And often that invitation can seem to be a very unlikely one. It’s not hard to imagine why the Samaritan woman’s first response upon hearing it was, “Surely you’re not talking to me. I’m not the one you want.” But yes it is - then as well as now.

This weekend, here at Pax Christi we are being very deliberate in extending two invitations to all who will listen. One is our monthly invitation to join this community as a new member. We are a very big and busy place,and we pride ourselves on our efforts to be welcoming. The second invitation is to those who are already a part of our community and whom we need as leaders of our many, many ministries of service. This is our annual invitation for you to consider the skills and interests you have - or wish to nurture - and to accept the opportunity to join us in a role of leadership on one of our councils for the upcoming few years. Nobody here leads all by him- or herself. We are a collaboration of very many people who have heard and welcomed that invitation already, and who are excited to share the opportunities, the responsibilities, the community, and even the joy that comes in doing important work and decision-making together.  There are many specific leadership roles to name here, but we have a few of our current council members on a brief video to share their experiences.


Pax Christi Catholic Community

12100 Pioneer Trail
Eden Prairie, MN 55347


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