Pax Christi Outreach Efforts
Author: Maura Schnorbach, Director of Leadership and Engag October 26, 2020
Invitation to Discipleship
Pax Christi is Christ-centered. We encourage the members of our community to answer the call from baptism to be joyful disciples who are deeply engaged in our world. We encourage lifelong faith formation and spiritual growth, a heart of service, and passion for justice.
Shared ministers gave 47,007 hours of service to Pax Christi and our community. You made a big impact! You sang joyfully in our choir, welcomed newcomers, served at Mass, tended our gardens, harvested holy honey, poured the coffee, knit prayer shawls, fed the hungry, served in leadership, answered the phones, prayed, shared your faith, listened deeply, visited elders and shut-ins, studied, and worked for justice.
Hope and Hot Meals
Pax Christi brings hope and hot meals to help our struggling neighbors through our feeding ministries. Last year our shared ministers served 4,128 meals. We work with Loaves and Fishes on Clinton Avenue, Dorothy Day, and St. Stephen’s. We also support at-risk youth at YouthLink and Launch Ministry. Due to COVID-19, we do not have shared ministers preparing meals and serving at all sites. Thanks to your generosity, we continue to support our non-profit partners with financial contributions.
Bounty at the Giving Garden
Shared ministers aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty in this ministry. The bounty from the Pax Christi Giving Garden is a way to share our abundance with our neighbors struggling with hunger. It doesn’t get any fresher than this. Last year we delivered 1,251 pounds of fresh veggies to PROP!
Quilters Sew Love
Our quilters sew love into every quilt for the graduating students of Cristo Rey Jesuit High School. Last year, they made 125 Quilts. The quilters responded quickly to the pandemic by sewing almost 2,500 masks this spring.
Generosity Inspires
We granted a total of $162,600 to 13 non-profit agencies focused on reducing poverty, and building capacity, self-reliance, and opportunity. This spring we granted an additional $15,000 to a nonprofit agency that advocates for racial inclusion and equity for Black Americans in Minnesota.
PROP Impact
Pax Christi is passionate about PROP. PROP provides fresh, healthy foods and resources for our neighbors who are struggling with hunger. Last year Pax Christi donated 11,878 pounds of groceries to PROP. During COVID-19, Pax Christi has encouraged members to donate online or deliver groceries to PROP.
We are Grateful!
We offer our joy, gratitude, prayers, service, and financial support to the Pax Christi Catholic Community and honor our blessings from God.
CLICK HERE to make an intention for 2021. Thank you!