Author: Mary Kennedy
May 08, 2018

Time may fly, but the needs that we are called to address seem to grow at supersonic speed. One person cannot solve every need, but together, a group can make a fairly significant dent by combining our gifts.  Be proud of your community on the corner of Homeward Hills and Pioneer Trail, for we have met many needs and will continue to meet the challenges presented to us long after you and I are gone.

It may be hard to believe, but it has been one year since we launched the Pax Christi Community Endowment Fund. One year ago gifts from members of Pax Christi were added to monies made available by meeting a matching goal from the Delora Mayer Fund, and leadership added to the pot with proceeds from the sale of the rectory, all adding up to the sweet total of $267,000.  We launched the Pax Christi Community Endowment Fund, with its purpose to perpetuate support for the core values, mission, and ministries of Pax Christi Catholic Community.

The two initial areas of concentration are promoting lifelong learning within Pax Christi and serving justice needs in the greater community. Justice is one of Pax Christi’s founding values, a value that has resulted, since our founding, in grants totaling over $4 million, along with countless hours shared building relationships to promote justice and be the visible hands and feet of Jesus Christ beyond the walls of Pax Christi.

At Easter, Pax Christi received our first annual grant of $10,000, a percentage of the earnings on the Pax Christi Community Endowment Fund, from the Catholic Community Foundation.  One thousand dollars of this grant will help support our youth as they live Disciples on a Mission on their mission trip this summer.  Nine thousand dollars was added to our Justice Grant Tithe, perhaps allowing the Justice Grants Board to say “yes” to one more grant request this year.

We want to continue to increase the Pax Christi Community Endowment Fund so we can grow the annual grants we receive. There are a couple of ways you, as a member of this community can assist:

Today gifts:  Donate to the Pax Christi Community Endowment Fund.  In addition to supporting the General Operation Fund, covering staff, worship, programming, utilities, all the basic needs, you can also give to the Pax Christi Community Endowment Fund anytime during the year.  We have envelopes available in your packets twice a year and on the front reception desk.  These gifts go into the Endowment Fund and allows everyone to participate.

Tomorrow gifts:  Designate Pax Christi in your will or estate plans, or through a Donor Advised Fund, insurance, or your IRA.  Providing a gift from your estate to Pax Christi can help this community in the future, allowing you to make a difference long after you are gone.

On May 20, following the morning Masses, we will celebrate the anniversary of the launch of the Pax Christi Community Endowment Fund.  To help us celebrate, our new Justice Grant Recipients will be on hand to share their plans on how lives will be changed through the generosity of the people of Pax Christi.  Members of the Financial Initiative Team (FIT) will also be on hand to answer questions on how you can support the Pax Christi Community Endowment Fund with today, tomorrow, and forever gifts.


Pax Christi Catholic Community

12100 Pioneer Trail
Eden Prairie, MN 55347


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