Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council

Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council Mission

The mission of the Arts, Campus, and Gardens Council is to create and maintain a welcoming, safe environment that supports the mission of Pax Christi and its parishioners. The council collaborates with the Building Services Director in prioritizing building projects and maintenance plans, organizing volunteer groups to help care for the gardens and landscape, and addressing the needs of the campus in an environmentally sound and thoughtful manner. 


  • Native garden group
  • Indoor plant group
  • Hard Hat volunteers
  • Arts committee
  • Ad hoc garden group

Arts, Campus, and Gardens Recent Accomplishments

  • Fall and spring campus clean-up activities that included Boy Scouts and Pax Christi volunteers.
  • Ad hoc garden work on four gardens:  Butterfly Garden, Sanctuary Garden, Herb Garden, and Welcome Garden.   Oversaw major improvement of
  • the Welcome Garden at Door 3.   
  • Facilitated art displays in MLK Room.
  • Oversaw Eagle Scout projects that include adding bridges, boardwalk, and railings along outdoor paths, and installation of a wooden cross overlooking the pond below the Butterfly Garden.
  • Designed and created  interior wooden room signs made on our laser machine by council members and youth volunteers.
  • Helped prepare the MLK room to display the St. John’s Bible.  ACG members built the table, display case, and ambo to hold the Bible while it was on loan to Pax Christi. 
  • Engaged Hennepin County Master Gardeners to assist garden groups.
  • Engaged a professional wayfinding group to improve Pax Christi’s interior space.  Signage has been installed to help guide visitors through the building’s interior spaces.
  • ACG members hosted hospitality after masses and volunteered at other Pax Christi events.
  • Oversaw the indoor plant committee that keeps the indoor plants healthy and beautiful.


ACG’s Ongoing Work

  • Developing plans with the help of professional groups to better define and beautify the Welcome Garden at Door 3.  Potential ideas include adding a bell tower and/or cross. 
  • Developing plans to improve exterior signage and wayfinding that includes an LED message sign along Pioneer Trail.
  • Implementing improvements near the Door 4 entry by adding plants and cleaning up the area. 
  • Working with the Gardens Committee to expand and improve landscaped areas, including installation of native plants through grant programs.
  • Working with the Arts Committee to set up art displays throughout the year. 
  • Overseeing future Eagle Scout projects.
  • Collaborating with all leadership councils to improve and practice hospitality-related activities.
  • Maintaining and repairing roof and parking lots. Removing diseased trees.

Council Members for 2024-2025

Back Row:
John Perkins, Joel Brummer, Matthew Johnson
Jim Manders, Dan Kohler
David Schacht, Loretta Mortier

Pax Christi Catholic Community

12100 Pioneer Trail
Eden Prairie, MN 55347


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