Pax Christi Care Center Kindness Challenge

For I have experienced much joy and encouragement from your love because the hearts of the holy ones have been refreshed by you...

Philemon 1:7


Now and throughout Lent we invite families to create cards for our many friends living in care centers supported by Pax Christi. Your cards will touch the hearts of seniors and individuals in our community who are unable to see family or friends due to the pandemic. Brighten the day of care center residents with your messages of love and blessings. The cards can be filled with drawings, silly jokes, or even word searches - anything that conveys a cheery message. If you are interested in this challenge and would like to send messages directly to one of the centers, fill out the form below for addresses, and how to send your cards. Thank you for accepting this challenge and filling the centers with cards!!!

Please note: The centers will take care of disinfecting any cards received, based on the needs of their residents.
Also, please feel free to use the Pax Christi address as the return address if you would like:
Pax Christi Catholic Community
12100 Pioneer Trail
Eden Prairie, MN 55347

If you have any questions, please contact Jean Thoresen, Director of Care and Support, at or 952-405-7211, or Renee Dignan at or 952-405-7212.

Pax Christi Catholic Community

12100 Pioneer Trail
Eden Prairie, MN 55347


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